Friday, January 1, 2010

My Goals for a new year

So I have decided to actually set some resolutions for this year.

1. I'm going to try to take at least one picture every day this year and upload them to an album on picasa also I'm going to pick my favorite for each week and post it to my blog.

2. As God gives me insights I shall try to post them to my blog as well, hopefully this will be every couple weeks.

3. I want to basically keep all my goals I also set for my birthday

so the goals I set for my birthday are:

1. Read my Bible more
2. Get in better shape by exercising
3. Continually surrender my life to Jesus
4. _________ (I'm not telling because I want to do this without people knowing it)
5. Talk to my family more
6. Break my struggle with sin...
7. Give my heart completely to God and let Him control my love and my desires
8. Let God shape me and the around me not let myself be shaped by he world
9. Go backpacking with Nathan
10. Write down the thoughts and insights God gives me
11. Read some of C.S. Lewis' non-fiction works
12. Acknowledge my gifts and give all the glory to God.

I'm going to insert my picture for the day :)

From A Year in Pictures...