Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Pen

This was originally written in my journal on 9-23-09.

“Let the whole world glorify the Lord; let it sing His praise.” -- Isaiah 42:12

I was in worship and I felt like the Lord was talking to me about my pride. He told me that He created me with my gifts and that to acknowledge them is not pride, as long as I acknowledge that they are gifts from God. As I meditated on that truth, I picked up my pen. God showed me I am like a pen.

Even as I write this God is showing me more and more depth. So some what I see.

First a pen has a creator; it is made a certain way. When words are written with a pen it is not the pen writing the words. A person uses a pen to write words, if the pen was not given its gifts when it was created it could be used to write any words. The pen has nothing but what it has been given, it can do nothing except when its master picks it up to write. Without a creator it is worthless, without a master to guide it, it is useless.

So it is with each of us. We are given gifts by our Creator. Until we allow Him to be our master those gifts are worthless, unused. He must use our gifts to write His story. He fully understands our purpose, how best to use each gift and talent. He picks us up and uses us to write the most beautiful story.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

Thursday, October 1, 2009

At the Ninja Restaurant

A group of us when to this restaurant in Kyoto Japan, where all the staff was dressed as ninjas and they did a magic show at the end of the meal, it was awesome. 

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