February 28th, 2010
So this last Sunday, I was worship at Bridgeway church and we stared signing the song “Nothing But The Blood.” For those who don’t know the song, the chorus is:
“What can wash away my sin?As I was in prayer in the presence of God focused on the words of the song the Lord gave me a picture, or a vision depending on what you want to call it.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
What I saw was two forms. They were on brown parchment with lines where words should have been. They were uniform except at the bottom there was a place to sign. I knew that they were contracts but there were no conditions. Two things puzzled me; one why were there two contracts, two why were they both blank. I asked God and felt like He said that one contract was to have my sin washed away and the second was to be made whole again, and the reason that they were both blank was because I didn’t have to do anything.
All I had to do to be wash clean and made new was to sign and accept it. The forms are blank because God is giving it away, and we only have to accept it, He doesn’t require anything. Christ loves me so much that He shed His blood and is giving it away freely if we just accept, but we have accept it we can’t walk away and try to earn it or find it.
As Paul said “we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.” 1 Corinthians 1:23 (NIV)